Color Color Color!


You selected your next project, now to find the perfect yarn in the perfect colors. There are countless things you can consider when creating a color palette. In today’s blog post we will skim the surface of color theory and offer up a couple simple tricks for selecting color combinations.

Color theory is complex and you could spend hours delving into it. For our purposes we will look at two main parts of color theory- the color wheel and color harmony.

imageThe color wheel pictured here shows you primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. You can use the color wheel as building blocks for selecting colors that are monochromatic or complimentary. That’s a good start for creating a harmonious color palette.

Here are some of our handy tricks that can help you visualize how colors will sit together. Most of us are familiar with the popular kids toy the kaleidoscope. How about the taleidoscope? A taleidoscope uses lenses and mirrors to show you something outside of the device. You can pile up your yarn selection and look at it through a taleidoscope to see how the colors mix together. We have taleidoscope side you’d like to give it a try!


This next trick comes to us from Michelle who works in the shop. Michelle likes to snap a quick black and white photo of her possible colors. This allows you to see how subtle or stark the colors may be next to one another. This can help you decide if one of the colors will be too dominate for your design, or if you don’t have as much contrast as you would like.

We find color inspiration all around us! So be sure to keep your eyes open for colors you love. Maybe it’s something you saw at the cabin or while walking downtown. Inspiration can strike anytime! We are always here to help bring your vision to life.

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