Thank You for Your Patronage


With mixed emotions, we are announcing that we will be closing our doors on December 15th. We’ve searched high and low for the next shop owner, but running a fine needlework store is a lot of hard work and unfortunately we could not find a suitable match before our deadline. We are grateful for the time we had at the store and we wish Karen only the best as she pursues her next adventure in life!

This week, we will be closed today and tomorrow so we can prepare for a private event on Thursday and Friday. We will open to the public on Saturday, October 15 with our normal hours, at which point all regular price, in stock merchandise will be 25% off until it’s gone.


Our weekly newsletters will continue every Tuesday, and we’ll be featuring a new special offer every week. If you’d like to receive all of our future announcements directly in your inbox, please subscribe:

If you’re shopping with us during this period, please note the following:

– All purchases over $250 will receive a custom hand-stamped Needlework Unlimited canvas tote while supplies last.

– Please come prepared: bring your patterns, yardage requirements, projects-in-progress or previous skein labels for assistance; we will have limited resources available in the shop.

– To process your purchase faster, we will have separate checkout lines: one for charge only (for purchases over $10), one for checks only, and one for cash only transactions.

And the fine details, effective immediately:

– All store credits and gift certificates will be honored. Bonus club cards are void.

– No holds.

– No special orders.

– No returns.

– We will no longer be accepting needlepoint finishing, but we assure you that all pieces that have already been submitted for finishing will be completed by December 15th.

– We will no longer be holding any of our standard clinics or workshops.

3 thoughts on “Thank You for Your Patronage

  1. Dear Karen, Mary Jo and all at the shop, I wish you only the best in the next chapter. You are and were my favorite stop on my itinerary when visiting the TC. Happy knitting and needlworking! Jennifer Bell Tocker

  2. Reblogged this on Ms. Yarnaholic's School for Wayward Skeins and commented:
    Those five little words that no yarn shop lover ever wants to hear…

    Even though this announcement was published mid-October, I only picked up on the “going out of business” aspect when I received their latest newsletter and saw that shop furniture was on the block. (sigh) Needlework Unlimited, like Ram Wools before it, was one of my very favorite shops to go to when I lived in and later, visited the Twin Cities. I can only wish everyone there the best of everything and truly hope that there will be a miraculous last-minute offer by someone who loves amazing yarn shops and wants to keep this gem going. Amen!

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